Sunday 31 July 2016

Le chien en camping car

On aime son chien, alors on veut l'emmener avec soi en camping car. S'il est sujet au mal des transports, il faut consulter un vétérinaire ; dans le cas contraire, tout va bien, il faut un minimum d'organisation.
Nous avons un labrador/malinois de 25 kg et je trouve que c'est une sécurité ; ou en tous cas un bon avertisseur d'arrivée étrangère.

Avant le départ

Il faut préparer le sac du chien et la nourriture pour la durée du séjour :
  • peser les croquettes nécessaires à une ration quotidienne ; multiplier ce chiffre par le nombre de jours du séjour + 5 (on ne sait jamais !) : on obtient le poids de croquettes à emmener. Nous stockons les croquettes dans une boite en plastique avec couvercle.
  • prendre au moins 2 gamelles : une pour les croquettes et une pour l'eau ; nous avons un réservoir de 5L d'eau que nous remplissons à chaque plein et que nous mettons sur la marche d'accès à la cellule
  • prendre 2 grandes serviettes de plage que l'on peut étaler sur des sièges pour les protéger
  • ne pas oublier les médicaments de base (contre la diarrhée, les tiques et les parasites), ainsi que le carnet de santé du chien si jamais il était malade
  • prendre aussi ses jouets ainsi qu'un peigne métallique (s'il perd beaucoup de poils) ; sans oublier les sacs à crotte, à utiliser obligatoirement en ville
  • une longe de 5 m est utile à l'étape, mais une laisse est indispensable en ville
Si on va à l'étranger, il faut en plus :
  • faire poser une puce électronique au chien (si ne n'est déjà fait) ; c'est très rapide et indolore ; en Europe il existe un passeport animal
  • demander à votre vétérinaire les vaccins nécessaires (variables selon les pays) ; faire à minima un vaccin contre la rage au moins 21 jours avant le départ ; en profiter pour demander un traitement contre les puces, les tiques et les vers
  • vous connecter sur internet pour connaitre par pays visité la législation applicable en matière de d'animaux
  • je vous conseille de prendre une assurance pour animal

Pendant le trajet

La ceinture de sécurité est obligatoire pour les humains, mais pas encore pour les animaux -)
Mais en cas d'arrêt brutal l'animal va être projeté vers l'avant !
Certains mettent leur chien en cage pendant le trajet, voire en soute où une niche est aménagée.
Chacun doit prendre ses responsabilités.

Notre chien voyage sur la banquette située derrière le chauffeur, le museau appuyé sur le dossier (il faut pour cela une banquette en U et non en L) ; en cas de choc, il est bloqué par le dossier.
De plus, il est attaché pour éviter d'aller perturber le conducteur.

Toutes les 2 heures arrêt obligatoire avec courte ballade de toutou et une invitation à boire.
Si votre animal est indisposé par les transports, lui donner un cachet spécial avant le départ.

A l'étape

Un chien est routinier, il doit donc avoir des points de repères clairs : pour boire c'est où ? pour dormir c'est où ? qu'est ce qui m'est interdit ?

Dans notre cas :
  • la gamelle d'eau est dans la salle d'eau qui reste ouverte
  • le chien peut dormir sur le siège du conducteur qui est protégé par une grande serviette
  • s'il est dehors, il est attaché à une longe de 5 m pour pouvoir bouger facilement ; quand il fait chaud, il se met sous le camping car au frais (pas bête la bête !)

Si vous le laissez seul dans le véhicule, vérifiez :
  • que le véhicule est à l'ombre
  • que de l'air circule
  • qu'il a de l'eau à boire

En balade

Le chien doit porter son collier.
Ne pas oublier de prendre de l'eau et un récipient en plastique pour lui donner à boire, si vous partez pour plusieurs heures. Et les sacs à crotte et la laisse si vous allez en ville !
Je rappelle qu'en ville un chien doit être tenu en laisse ; cela permet de :
  • voir où il fait ses besoins, et donc de ramasser les crottes
  • contrôler son chien pour éviter les problèmes (des passants ont peur des chiens, d'autres chiens sont agressifs etc...)

Et n'oubliez pas : il n'y a pas de mauvais chien, il n'y a que des mauvais maîtres !

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Information Build a solar charger for iphones in 30 minutes

Build a solar charger for iphones in 30 minutes

Sample images Build a solar charger for iphones in 30 minutes

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Nuestro cargador solar 4 paneles plegable es una novedad, ya que es

Build a solar charger for iphones in 30 minutes : treehugger, Images via joshua zimmerman of browndoggadgets. earlier this year, joshua zimmerman brought us the super easy diy solar charger made from an altoids tin..
Solar usb charger 2.0 -, Intro: solar usb charger 2.0. solar power is big these days, from power plants to rooftop arrays! this guide shows how to build your very own solar charger for small.
Solar altoids iphone/ ipod charger - instructables, Intro: solar altoids iphone/ ipod charger. i love my iphone 4 to death. i really do. even if it sucks juice faster than a 1st grader at snack time and i often find.

The best usb battery packs | the wirecutter, July 19, 2016: after considering a total of 252 battery packs and bringing in 20 for our latest round of testing, we’ve decided that our new pick for everyday use.
Build a simple faraday cage for emp survival - backdoor, One of the more serious risks we face is an emp. learn how to build a simple faraday cage and also what to store inside it..
Solar powered 12v lighting system | transition ipswich, The charge controller is in the middle of the picture and clockwise from the top left is a solar panel, battery and fuse panel. unfortunately for home use the solar.

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Make a wind generator from a car alternator

Inside a car alternator green energy generator brush, Brush reinsertion trick. many people wonder why free car alternators off the shelf are not used for wind turbine electrical generation. the windings are.
Alternator and generator comparison | otherpower, | vehicle alternators | homemade pm alternators | pm converted induction motors | dc generators | dc brushless pm motors | induction motors | para español.
Wind generator from alternator - survivalist forum, There is stuff on it if you look. but big problem is a car alternator spins alot faster than a wind generator. and the fact you have to energize an alternator for it.

Homemade wind generator - renewable energy - mother earth news, Build your own wind generator for use with 12-volt systems. charge up batteries for lighting, fans, tools and more..
Lite breeze low wind generator kit - windblue power, Complete wind generator kit features the following: the windblue dc-540 permanent magnet alternator pma equipped with 3-phase external rectifier connection and.
Electric generator - wikipedia, The woolrich electrical generator of 1844, now in thinktank, birmingham science museum, is the earliest electrical generator used in an industrial process. it was.

Make a wind generator from a car alternator

HHO using a car alternator? - YouTube
HHO using a car alternator? - YouTube
16 Amazing DIY Wind Turbine Generators
16 Amazing DIY Wind Turbine Generators
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Dynamo Alternator Induction generator MHD generator Other rotating
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Car alternator Bicycle dynamo Hybrid Cars Automotive Starter
400 watt 2 blade Volvo Disk brake wind turbine | Otherpower
400 watt 2 blade Volvo Disk brake wind turbine | Otherpower
3m/s Wind Power Generator (Permanent Magnet Ac Generator) From
3m/s Wind Power Generator (Permanent Magnet Ac Generator) From

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Learn Bank loans for solar power plant in andhra pradesh

Solar insolation ontario - bank loans for solar power, Solar insolation ontario • electronics and technology • cameras • computers • gadgets • home entertainment • internet • phones • tablets and.
Solar power plant project | praveen kumar reddy munnangi, Solar power plant project. 43 pages and indivituals for getting bank loan to set up a solar power plant in andhra pradesh solar power plant projects for loan.
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Soda pop beer can solar powered heater furnace panel, This is part 3, please watch parts 1 & 2 to see how i built this. the testing continues. i have seen alot of you mounting your solar heaters on a flat wall.
Solar air heater - diy solar thermal furnace - youtube, Solar air heater. solar air heat collector. simple to make. solar panel runs blower fan. no 'grid power' or batteries needed! hi temps. 150f (65.55c) and.
Build your own flat panel solar thermal collector, Intro: build your own flat panel solar thermal collector. i've seen a few different designs for solar water heaters (on this site and others) and i wanted to share my.

6 in 1 solar kit: solar robot kit, build a solar robot, Get the latest 6 in 1 solar kit, a ‘diy kit’ that's great for an introduction to solar technology. make a solar robot dog, plane, windmill, boat or car.
Solar (and efficient) lighting - build-it-solar, Solar (and efficient) lighting . if used correctly solar day lighting can provide free, high quality lighting, and do it with less heat generation inside the house.
Dutch solar bike path produces more electricity than, Dutch solar bike path pleases many glenn meyers is a writer, producer, and director. meyers was editor and site director of green building elements, a.

Youtube how to build a pop can solar panel

Amazing - Solar Pop Can Heater! Something to try maybe. Might help
Amazing - Solar Pop Can Heater! Something to try maybe. Might help
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Calentadores Solares Panel Plano Tuberia De Cobre Pictures to pin on
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My Solar Furnace using downspouts on a sunny day 2nd test results
My Solar Furnace using downspouts on a sunny day 2nd test results

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Saturday 30 July 2016

Get Building wind turbines in the ocean

Building wind turbines in the ocean

Sample images Building wind turbines in the ocean

the turbines and placing them in the ocean wind power

The turbines and placing them in the ocean wind power

Rotating Skyscraper To Be Built In Dubai - Geekologie

Rotating Skyscraper To Be Built In Dubai - Geekologie

GE is building America's first offshore wind farm with turbines twice

GE is building America's first offshore wind farm with turbines twice

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Springs make: Building wind farms in the ocean

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GE is building America's first offshore wind farm with turbines twice

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Ge building wind turbine farm at block island - business, Massive wind turbines ge is building america's first offshore wind winds tend to blow harder and more consistently in the ocean, which helps offshore turbines.
Offshore wind energy - ocean energy council, Home what is ocean energy? offshore wind energy. what is offshore wind energy? although it would be technically feasible to mount wind turbines on floating.
An ocean of wind turbines -the official website of denmark, The danish offshore industry is busy shifting over from oil and gas to offshore wind. ten thousand wind turbines an ocean of wind turbines building up major.

Floating wind turbine - wikipedia, A floating wind turbine is an offshore large-capacity wind turbine is the hywind, in the north sea building and classing floating offshore wind.
How to build a wind farm -, Potential obstacles to building wind farms include public controversy over the placement of the wind offshore wind turbines must be designed for ocean conditions..
Floating ocean windmills designed to generate more power, Among three designs for floating giant wind turbines in the deep ocean, offshore wind turbines sclavounos estimates that building and installing the tlp's.

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Friday 29 July 2016

Homemade wind electric generator

Title: Homemade wind electric generator

Homemade wind generator - renewable energy - mother earth news, Build your own wind generator for use with 12-volt systems. charge up batteries for lighting, fans, tools and more..
Homemade wind generator plans | how to build a wind, Learn how to build your own wind generator using our residential wind generator plans..
Homemade water wheel electric generator | ask a prepper, A medium size water wheel electric generator can provide enough electricity for one house (3 bulbs, one tv and one radio all running at the same time)..

Electric power | department of energy, Electricity -- the flow of electrical power -- is a secondary energy source, generated by the conversion of primary sources of energy, like fossil, nuclear, wind or solar.
4 easy ways to build a wind turbine (with pictures), How to build a wind turbine. a wind turbine is a simple mechanical device similar to the windmill. the blades of your turbine will catch air currents, using that.
Homemade hydroelectric generator - youtube, This video project was made for ap-b physics class. we built and demonstrated a hydroelectric generator and explain the process of how it works and the.

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Savonius windmill
Savonius windmill
Homemade Volvo Brake Disc PM alternator, 800 watts, $150!
Homemade Volvo Brake Disc PM alternator, 800 watts, $150!
Homemade Generators | Renewable Sources Of Energy
Homemade Generators | Renewable Sources Of Energy
 DIY or Homemade Wind Turbine Designs For Producing Electricity at Home
DIY or Homemade Wind Turbine Designs For Producing Electricity at Home

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Making a dutch windmill

The dutch windmill -, In the dutch landscape the windmill is symbolic of the gravity of the dutch character. planted solidly on the earth, it is an incarnation of force; it seems as if it.
Dempsey woodworking - dutch windmill - van vliet, Dutch windmill - 549½ hours - can$ 1,815.00 - advanced. due to the large size of this webpage with about 300 images, it is possible that the browser does not display.
Windmill - wikipedia, A windmill is a mill that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy by means of vanes called sails or blades. centuries ago, windmills usually were used to.

Map - nelis' dutch village - holland, michigan, Welkom to nelis' dutch village, a family fun park and shopping experience located in holland, michigan. a step back into the netherlands of 150 years ago..
Millwrights - windmill world, This is not a comprehensive list of millwrights, but it does include links about a number of individuals and organizations involved in traditional millwrighting..
How to make a windmill (with pictures) - wikihow, Edit article how to make a windmill. two methods: making a miniature dutch-style windmill making a backyard ranch-style windmill community q&a. windmills have been.

Making a dutch windmill

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PDF Plans Garden Windmill Woodworking Plans Free Download good easy
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All things Dutch on Pinterest | Dutch, Dutch Recipes and The Dutchess
Dutch Windwheel draws energy innovations
Dutch Windwheel draws energy innovations

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Solar panels - discount pricing - solar home, Power your air conditioner for free with solar energy. power your existing ac unit with solar energy, reduce your annual electric bill and.
Solar floodlight - lowes holiday, 6 6. place the solar panel (aa) into position and secure with cross screws (bb). tilt the solar panel to an angle similar to the pattern of the sun..
Solar photovoltaic projects -, Photovoltaic (pv) solar electricity systems have captured a lot of interest as the system components have grown more mature, capable, and reliable..

A 5kw solar panel system - go green solar, Is this solar panel kit right for me? a 5kw solar kit requires up to 400 square feet of space. 5kw or 5 kilowatts is 5,000 watts of dc direct current power..
Northern virginians go solar: local efforts for, Northern virginians go solar: local efforts for alternative energy (conservation currents, northern virginia soil and water conservation district).
Easy solar charging power bank -, Intro: easy solar charging power bank. hello! my name is nathan, and i am an amateur tinkerer. i needed a power bank for camping, bonfires, emergencies, and general.

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Useful Wind turbine green building

This Wind turbine green building

Ride a wind turbine in this crazy wind farm amusement park, If you’ve ever wanted to see the views from atop a wind turbine, your wish may soon come true. the dutch renewable energy company qurrent just unveiled plans to.
The dutch windwheel is not only a silent wind turbine – it, How cool would it be to tell people you live inside of a wind turbine? designed for the port city of rotterdam, the dutch windwheel is a concept for a sustainable.
How i built an electricity producing wind turbine -, I decided to try building my own though. so it was back to googling for information on wind turbine charge controllers. i found a lot of information, including some.

Small wind turbine, small wind energy, wind turbines, wind, Small wind turbine, we supply small wind turbines,wind turbine generator from 300w to 20kw both off-grid system and on-grid system..
Wind turbine permanent magnet dc motors - green energy, Permanent magnet dc motors are the most important components that can be used in place of generators. all about wind turbine power generators and working.
Scoraig wind - hugh piggott's old home page, Hugh piggott's collection of articles, links, and plans for building wind-powered electricity units; includes details of his courses and publications..

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Underwater Kite Turbines Harvest Energy From Ocean Waves
Underwater Kite Turbines Harvest Energy From Ocean Waves
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energy, decentralised wind, wind turbine, community wind, repowering
Home Wind Power Simple as Plug and Play?
Home Wind Power Simple as Plug and Play?
Build your own eco-friendly house |
Build your own eco-friendly house |
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Scotland, water turbine, underwater turbine, green power, green energy
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Vawt 5 Pictures to pin on Pinterest
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Vawt 5 Pictures to pin on Pinterest

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Solar power plant ukraine

Solar power - wikipedia, Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (pv), or indirectly using concentrated solar power..
Concentrated solar power - wikipedia, Concentrated solar power (also called concentrating solar power, concentrated solar thermal, and csp) systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to.
Solar power solutions - everything you need for, Abb is constantly striving and innovating to develop solutions that can efficiently transform the sun's energy into reliable power..

Articles on solar power - library - articles on solar, Articles on solar power - library - articles on solar power - geni conducts research and education on: renewable energy resources interconnections globally, world.
Illinois power plant closings reveal worldwide nuclear, In return, exelon corporation—the nation’s largest nuclear power supplier—announced that it would have to close two of the state’s best-performing plants..
30 years after the disaster: ukraine plans huge solar farm, Perhaps the most well-known site of a nuclear disaster in the world, chernobyl is now the location for an ambitious solar project.

Solar power plant ukraine

Rodnikovoye Solar Park | Activ Solar constructed Ukraine's f
Rodnikovoye Solar Park | Activ Solar constructed Ukraine's f
Solar power planned for Kharkiv | The Kharkiv Times
Solar power planned for Kharkiv | The Kharkiv Times
 Nuclear Zone to Become World's Largest Solar Power Farm | Big Think
Nuclear Zone to Become World's Largest Solar Power Farm | Big Think
Ukraine Home of Europe’s Largest Solar Power Plant | Energy
Ukraine Home of Europe’s Largest Solar Power Plant | Energy
solar power plant is the world's fourth most powerful photovoltaic
Solar power plant is the world's fourth most powerful photovoltaic

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